by jatinderkamboj | Jun 29, 2017 | Amritsar, Bathinda, blogs, Canon, Canon EOS 6D Mark II, Chandigarh, Course in Digital Photography, Delhi, Dharamshala, DSLR, Himachal Pardesh, IRIS Photography Academy, Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Nabha, Patiala, Photography, Photography class, Photography college, photography course, Photography institute, Photography school, Photography training, Shimla, Uncategorized, Wedding Photography
Canon replaced its entry level full frame with EOS 6D Mark-II DSLR Camera. Since 2012 when Canon released their 1st entry level Full Frame 6D, has replaced it finally with new 6D Mark-II after a gap of approx. 5 years. The price, design, size and weight are similar...