Irix brings in utmost wide-angle 11mm for 35mm full-frame DSLR cameras

Irix brings in utmost wide-angle 11mm for 35mm full-frame DSLR camerasfirefly-horizontal Swiss based novel optics producer Irix has just brings in their another utmost wide-angle lens for full-frame DSLR bodies that is ready to join its elder 15mm f2.4. The newly...

Fotodiox Pro just introduced five Fujifilm medium format GFX lens adapters

PHOTOGRAPHY BLOGS / PHOTOGRAPHY / FOTODIOX PRO GFX ADAPTER posted by JATINDERKAMBOJ / 0 comments Fotodiox Pro has just introduced fine new lens adapters for the upcoming Fujufilm GFX medium-format camera system. By this, we can use lenses of other manufacturers to be...

One Month Certificate course in Digital Photography starting 18th March 2017

Certificate course banner 07 180317 One month Certificate course in Digital Photography For more information, click here

IRIS Photography Academy class room

WhatsApp Image 2017-02-26 at 1.02.08 PMWhatsApp Image 2017-02-26 at 1.31.25 PM (1)WhatsApp Image 2017-02-26 at 1.31.25 PM (2)WhatsApp Image 2017-02-26 at 1.31.25 PM (4)WhatsApp Image 2017-02-26 at 11.26.40 AMWhatsApp Image 2017-02-26 at 11.32.09 AMiris